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Welcome to the Disciple path! In this path, you will be guided toward a step you can take to grow as a disciple of Jesus.

Begin with Prayer

To find the right step of growth, you need the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Invite God to lead you. Consider using the prayer below as a guide.

"Holy Spirit, I invite you to guide me in this process. Help me to know what step You want me to take to grow in my faith. Help me to know who you want to join me in this journey. Let me become more like Jesus with each step I take. Amen."

Understand Your Identity in Christ

Understanding how God sees you will transform your life. The following identity statements are true of you.


2 Corinthians 5:17


Romans 8:15-16

If you have trouble believing these truths consider beginning to pray regularly
"God help me to believe that I am (a new creation, your child)"

Who Will Join You?

Spiritual growth takes place in community. You need a B.G.P. (Big Godly Person) who will provide encouragement, coaching, and accountability as you grow.

Who can be a B.G.P. for you?

A BGP is usually someone you already have a relationship with. What do we mean by BGP?

1. BIG: A person who cares about you enough to speak the truth to you, even if the truth is tough for you to hear.
2. GODLY: They live out the 6 practices of a disciple. They follow Jesus and are becoming more like him!

Have a BGP in mind?

Great! Contact them via email, phone call, or text. Let them know that you are participating in the Discovery Pathway and ask them to be a Big Godly Person to help you grow as a disciple of Jesus.

Need help to identify a BGP? 

No problem! Send us an email letting us know that you would like Discovery Church to help you find a BGP.

The 6 Practices of a Disciple

Disciples of Jesus grow in 6 primary areas. We call these the 6 Practices of a Disciple.

Abide: Living in an ongoing relationship with Jesus.
Gather: Participating faithfully in worship services.
Belong: Connecting with others for spiritual growth and support.
Give: Returning to the Lord a portion of what belongs to Him.
Serve: Investing my time and talents in God’s work.
Invite: Sharing my story, and the story of Jesus, with those who do not yet know Him.

Which practice should you focus on? Think about these questions:

Is there a Practice that I have not been growing in?
Is there a Practice that I need help to grow in?

The questions above can be helpful to identify what Practice you should focus on. Click the Practice name below to see possible steps of growth in that Practice.

Abide   |   Gather   |    Belong  |   Give   |   Serve   |   Invite

If you are still unclear about which Practice to focus on, you can explore possible steps of growth in each Practice. In the following menu, look through the possibilities and find one next step to focus on.

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Making Disciples of Jesus

Discovery Pathway by Discovery Church
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