Helping You Take Your Next Step as a Disciple of Jesus

Step #1
Step #2
Step #3
Step #1
Start Here
Start Here

Take the Self-Assessment and discover where you are now.

Step #2
Connect with a Growth Partner
Connect with a Growth Partner

Invite someone to join you and connect with them as your growth partner.

Step #3
Take Your Next Step
Take Your Next Step

Identify the step you should take as you apply the 6 practices of a disciple to your life.

Find a Partner

What is a Growth Partner?

A Growth Partner is a godly person who is maturing in their faith and willing to partner with another disciple of Jesus to grow spiritually.

Where Do I Find A Growth Partner?

It is best to partner up with someone that you already know and are connected to. This might be a person you serve with, are in a group with, or connect with regularly.

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  1. Complete The Discovery Pathway Self- Assessment.
  2. Biblically partner with another disciple to focus on growth in one of the Six Practices of a Disciple : 1) Abide 2) Gather 3) Belong 4) Serve 5) Give 6) Invite
  3. Be of the same gender.
  4. Commit to meeting together to have a Growth Talk conversation.
  5. Work through ONE STEP of growth together.
  6. Commit to at least one follow-up meeting to discuss progress towards the step of growth selected.
  7. Recommended communication commitment: At least 1 face-to-face time together, 2 phone calls and 3 text messages while building the relationship.
Qualities of a Growth Partner
  1. Has a desire to build spiritual relationships that will change lives and build the Kingdom of God.
  2. Is Growing in the 6 Practices of a Disciple.
  3. Keeps the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the grace of God at the center of the relationship.
  4. Willing to speak the truth in love. (Ephesians 4:15)
  5. Lives a life of integrity. “Integrity is a one-to-one correlation between the Bible, my beliefs, and my behavior” – Patrick Morley
  6. Is guided by the Bible.
  7. Is devoted to prayer.
  8. Regularly attends church worship services.
  9. Looks to the Holy Spirit for  knowledge and wisdom.  (1 Corinthians 2:12-13)
  10. Willing to invest in the relationship, but acknowledges that the results are determined by God. (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)
  11. Understands that the Growth Partner relationship is one of mutual growth.

What Do We Talk About?

Use The Growth Talk Conversation Guide

A Growth Talk is a conversation about spiritual growth in the 6 Practices of a Disciple. The goal of a Growth Talk is that Growth Partners will determine a best next step to grow as disciples of Jesus.

Take a Step

The 6 Practices of a Disciple

Growth is guided by the 6 practices of a disciple. Click on one of the practices to review next steps. If you're not a disciple of Jesus, or have questions about Jesus, we welcome you to explore what it means to be a disciple.

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Making Disciples of Jesus

Discovery Pathway by Discovery Church
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881 Sand Lake Road. Orlando, FL. 32809