At our Sunday Worship Services you have a chance to gather with others as we focus our attention on Worshiping God, learning from his Word and enjoying community together as his Church. In the worship service you will be able to take part in many of the values of Discovery Church. Most specifically to be Rooted in Worship, Devoted to Prayer and Instructed by God’s Word.
If you prioritize these worship services in your life you will grow. For the next 2 months set a goal to attend the Sunday Worship Service every week. If you miss a week during the 2 months no problem! Just start your goal again until you get to 8 weeks in a row. In this way you will begin to create a habit and priority in your life to Gather together with others.
During and after the 8-week period share regularly with a BGP (Big Godly Person) in your life what God is growing in you because of these services. Also, if you have questions during the time that come up from the services ask your BGP to explore these with you as well.
Have a Growth Talk conversation about it! A Growth Talk is a chance to discuss with someone else the step you are preparing to take. For more information on Growth Talk and for help finding the right person visit the Growth Talk Page. You can use the “Growth Talk” button to visit the page and begin the conversation.
Participating faithfully in worship services.