The practice of Invite not only includes inviting people to church, it also will include inviting people to hear the way Jesus has changed your life. This may seem overwhelming or scary, but with some practice you can effectively and easily share your Jesus story with others. This step is a follow up to the step titled “Share The Gospel Regularly”. This step will take what you learned there and give you additional resources and practice.
MyStory Gospel Tracts is an effective tool for sharing your Christian faith with others. It’s different from all other tracts because it combines your own personal testimony with an illustrated explanation of the Gospel. The tool is free and can be found using the link below.
This tool includes guides for:
Step 1: Writing Your Testimony
Step 2: Creating Your Tract
Step 3: Folding Your Tract
Step 4: Sharing Your Tract
You can use the MyStory Gospel Tract tools here.
After reading through each and writing your story try sharing it and the Gospel with 3 friends.
Consider practicing with a friend who is already a Christian first. After you have practiced, pray and ask God to show you who you should share your Jesus story with. Then be bold and share! Leave the results to God. Our job is to share, only God can call people to Himself.
Cru offers tools and resources that can help you share your story and God’s story. These can be found using the links below.
After reading through each resource do the following:
1. Prepare- Write out your story using the guides provided.
2. Pray- Pray that God will give you the opportunity to share your story. Pray specifically for three people you know who do not yet have a relationship with Jesus.
3. Practice- Practice with a friend who is already a Christian first. Your BGP (Big Godly Person) is a great person to practice with. They can give you tips on how to share your Jesus Story.
3. Proclaim- Be bold to share your story and the Gospel with these three people when God provides the opportunity.
Leave the results to God. Our job is to share, only God can call people to Himself.
Have a Growth Talk conversation about it! A Growth Talk is a chance to discuss with someone else the step you are preparing to take. For more information on Growth Talk and for help finding the right person visit the Growth Talk Page. You can use the “Growth Talk” button to visit the page and begin the conversation.
Sharing my story, and the story of Jesus, with those who do not yet know Him.