Become a Mentor

Helping Others Grow Through Mentoring

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”

“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.”

Having a mentor is an unique opportunity to learn from and grow with someone a few steps further along in life and in their relationship with Jesus. This mentorship may include topics such as:

  • Spiritual Growth
  • Career and Calling
  • Friendships
  • Marriage
  • Children
  • Money
  • Emotions
  • Time Management/Life Balance
  • Overcoming Sin Patterns
  • Sharing Your Faith

Mentorship is offered through the Men’s, Women’s, and Students ministries at Discovery Church. We encourage you to apply to be a mentor and to mentor regularly! There are many people who desire to have a mentor in their life and you have the opportunity to grow others in this way.

Men: To begin the process of mentoring others please fill out the Application for mentorship.

Women: To begin the process of mentoring others please fill out the Application for mentorship

Young Adults: Young Adults can apply for mentorship through the Men’s or Women’s Ministry applications listed above. 

Students: Contact your campus Student Pastor for more information about mentoring. You can find the list of student pastors on the Student’s page

Think this might be the next step for you?

Have a Growth Talk conversation about it! A Growth Talk is a chance to discuss with your Growth Partner the step you are preparing to take.