Serve With A Local Partner That Meets Needs In The Community

Serving Your Community

We are proud to support local partners that meet needs in our community. Explore the partners below and consider volunteering with one of these organizations.

Grace Medical Home

Offers free medical, dental, vision, and counseling services to the uninsured of Central Florida where they become patients with a caring professional that sees them throughout their treatment. 
Volunteer opportunities with Grace Medical Home.

Harbour Hope International

Equips those who are vulnerable to, or trapped in, the commercial sex industry by engaging them in mentoring friendships with survivors of human trafficking and qualified volunteers. 
Volunteer opportunities with Harbour Hope.

Christian Service Center

Seeks to mobilize our community under one common visions: to eradicate poverty through the provisions of services and resources that foster hope, wellbeing and empowerment. Volunteer opportunities with Christian Service Center

United Against Poverty

Serve those in poverty by providing crisis care, case management, transformative education, food and household subsidy, employment training and placement, personal empowerment training and active referrals to other collaborative social service providers. Volunteer opportunites with United Against Poverty

For more information check out the Missions page

Think this might be the next step for you?

Have a Growth Talk conversation about it! A Growth Talk is a chance to discuss with someone else the step you are preparing to take. For more information on Growth Talk and for help finding the right person visit the Growth Talk Page.  You can use the “Growth Talk” button to visit the page and begin the conversation.