Take a Financial Stewardship Class

Handling Money God's Way

The Bible has a lot to say about finances. God does not want you to feel lost or overwhelmed as you steward what he has entrusted to you. Take the time to learn God’s way of handling finances. 

At Discovery Church we offer a number of financial stewardship classes. At this point in your journey we recommend that you participate in the following classes.

Financial Peace University

This is Dave Ramsey’s personal finance based on Biblical principles.

Financial Peace University is a nine-lesson course that teaches you how to save for emergencies, pay off debt fast, spend wisely, and invest for your future. And no financial blah blah blah over here. For over 25 years, Dave Ramsey’s been teaching commonsense, biblical money principles that work. Every time.

Financial Peace University and Ramsey Plus are currently free for Discovery Church. 

Visit the Ramsey Plus page of our website to get more info on Ramsey Plus. 

To find a Financial Peace University group visit our Groups Page. 

Compass: Navigating Finances God's Way

This nine-week small group study teaches individuals God’s perspective of managing money and possessions.

Becoming a Financial Disciple is more than getting on a budget, getting out of debt, or increasing savings or giving. It is a journey of growing in daily surrender to God’s ownership, His Lordship and our alignment to His authority over all we have been entrusted.

If you are ready to glorify God, experience increased joy and live free to serve Him as a fully devoted disciple of Jesus Christ, then you are ready to grow on your Financial Discipleship journey!

When offered, Compass: Navigating Finances God’s Way groups are listed on the Groups Page of our website. 

Think this might be the next step for you?

Have a Growth Talk conversation about it! A Growth Talk is a chance to discuss with someone else the step you are preparing to take. For more information on Growth Talk and for help finding the right person visit the Growth Talk Page.  You can use the “Growth Talk” button to visit the page and begin the conversation.