For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken. On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God.
Psalm 62:5-7 Tweet
Often in our time with the Lord we do all the talking. You might tell Him about your needs, requests, regrets and even your love for Him. These are great things to have a conversation about, but how often do you give God time to speak to you? How often do you “wait in silence”?
Begin to set aside 5 minutes of silence in which you sit and give God time to speak to you. Be patient! When you first begin to try this you will probably find yourself distracted and anxious. This is because we are not used to silence. To wait before the Lord will take some retraining of your mind and body.
1. Set a timer for 5 minutes. This will allow you to focus in and not worry about keeping track of time.
2. Begin your time by inviting God to speak to you. You may choose to begin with something like “Father God, now I offer you my time. Use this to say whatever you would like to say to me.” or more simply “Jesus come and speak to me”
3. Sit and listen. If you get distracted, simply return to your invitation to God to speak to you.
4. Bring this time of sitting before the Lord into your devotions for at least 21 days. Share with your BGP throughout the time what God has been doing in your life through this time of listening.
Have a Growth Talk conversation about it! A Growth Talk is a chance to discuss with someone else the step you are preparing to take. For more information on Growth Talk and for help finding the right person visit the Growth Talk Page. You can use the “Growth Talk” button to visit the page and begin the conversation.
Living in an ongoing relationship with Jesus.