Removing Roadblocks to Faith

Answering Questions About Your Faith

In a culture that is turning so far away from God, it is important that we have reasons and answers for why we choose to follow Jesus. Peter makes it very clear that we are to do this in 1 Peter 3:15-16.

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

This is the basics of apologetics, which comes from the Greek word apologia. This means, “giving a defense as a lawyer gives at a trial.” When we are participating in apologetics, the Bible gives us some guidelines about how we are to give our delivery. Peter states in the passage above that we are to give our reasons and answers in “gentleness and respect.” When answering questions about our faith, we should follow the model of Jesus with a heart of love and to be witnesses to the Gospel. People have a lot of questions about Christianity. You probably have people like this that are a family member, friend, neighbor, or a co-worker that you encounter regularly. These questions could be roadblocks keeping them from putting their faith in Jesus. Answering the tough questions they have about Christianity can help remove those roadblocks and allow Jesus to transform hearts. 

Do you feel prepared to answer their questions? If so, then that’s great! Take a look at some of these resources to help you boost your knowledge or to reinforce what you already know.

To Complete This Step:
  1. Prayerfully consider if their is someone who would be interested in learning more about apologetics
  2. Go through one of the books below with them
  3. At the end of each chapter, discuss with the person your guiding what they learned from that chapter.

If you are not quite ready to answer their questions then that’s okay! We have resources for you to use.

Does God really exist? Is the Bible trustworthy? Was Jesus really the Son of God? Why is there evil in the world? Don’t other religions lead to God? Is God immoral? How do I talk to a close minded friend? Timothy Keller in his book, The Reason for God (Belief in an Age of Skepticism) provides answers to many of these questions.

Here are some other resources for you to use:

Mark Mittelberg: Confident Faith

Mark Mittelberg: Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask (With Answers)

Josh McDowell: More than a Carpenter

C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity

If money is an issue in acquiring these books, you can get them for free by contacting us at

Below are some videos where Frank Turek answers some questions about Christianity. You can watch some of these videos and discuss them with your BGP or the person you are walking through a book. 

Think this might be the next step for you?

Have a Growth Talk conversation about it! A Growth Talk is a chance to discuss with someone else the step you are preparing to take. For more information on Growth Talk and for help finding the right person visit the Growth Talk Page.  You can use the “Growth Talk” button to visit the page and begin the conversation.