“River Dwellers is a text that awakens a hunger for the manifest presence of God. The spiritual passion with which he writes is imparted to the reader through the page. May God use it for His glory. Amen.”
— Rev. Tom Ward, Director of Ministry Operations, Vision Nationals
So often the Christian life is reduced to going to church, attending meetings, serving God, and doing devotions. But Jesus promised us abundant life – a deep, intimate, satisfying connection with the living God. How do we access the abundant life that Jesus promised? The key is the presence and life of the Holy Spirit within us. Jesus said that the Spirit of God flows within us like a river – He is the River of Life. But we need to dwell in the river in order to access the Spirit’s fullness.
Dr. Rob Reimer offers a deep look at life in the Spirit and provides practical strategies for dwelling in the River of Life. We will explore the fullness of the Spirit, tuning into the promptings of the Spirit, walking in step with the Spirit, and developing sensitivity to the presence of God in our lives. This resource will guide you toward becoming a full-time river dweller, even in the midst of life’s most difficult seasons when the river seems to run low.
Have a Growth Talk conversation about it! A Growth Talk is a chance to discuss with someone else the step you are preparing to take. For more information on Growth Talk and for help finding the right person visit the Growth Talk Page. You can use the “Growth Talk” button to visit the page and begin the conversation.
Living in an ongoing relationship with Jesus.