
Welcome to the Discovery Pathway Self-Assessment

This tool will help identify where you are right now in your journey with Jesus!

Note: Based on your responses, this assessment may adjust in length or have more than one section. 

1 / 10

I am interested in knowing more about God.

2 / 10

I have questions about Jesus that I would like to find answers to.

3 / 10

I would like to feel known and loved by the people around me.

4 / 10

I would like to strengthen my relationship with God.

5 / 10

I have asked Jesus to forgive my sins and to be the Lord (leader) of my life.

6 / 10

I have heard the story of Jesus (the Gospel) in a way that is clear and understandable.

7 / 10

I have a desire to help people who are in need in our city.

8 / 10

I have questions about the Bible that I would like to find answers to.

9 / 10

I have a desire to help out at Discovery Church if there is a need.

10 / 10

I would like to learn more about Discovery Church.

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Making Disciples of Jesus

Discovery Pathway by Discovery Church
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Open 9am to 5pm, Mon to Thur
881 Sand Lake Road. Orlando, FL. 32809